Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cappuccino Rant

Ranting. Current Pet Peeves of Mine.
People who make mountains out of molehills.
- Drives me insane… ever heard of don’t sweat the small stuff????? There are people and situations with real problems. Re evaluates the situation and really now… does it need to be such a drama!
Individuals who come into a room and turn on noise and or leave.
- Ever heard of common courtesy? If someone has something on in the background, it is obvious that it is his or her background. Even if you don’t think they are watching or listening to it, it would be nice to check with that person before you just take the liberty of surfing or making more noise with another medium and then to split.
People who don’t shut things off when they turn an alternative ON.
- Come on ….. TV, radio, another TV… just how many can hold your attention without cluttering up an already confused thought pattern. Noise pollution… One thing at a time in the same room please. If you have squatter’s rights and choose to watch TV, then please shut off the stereo.
Waiters or waitresses that TRY and take your plate away before you are finished.
- Now I realize there is a time issue here, but if you go out to an elegant dinner, the last thing you want is to be pushed into the next, next, next and give me your money and goodnight. If the wait staff dares prematurely to try and take my plate, I will and have growled at them and gestured with my fork, that a stabbing could occur. Primitive yes, but at this point I assume that if they are trying to take my plate, that is the only thing they will understand cause they didn’t talk either. If there is food on the plate, friggin ASK before you reach and try and take. If it is off to the side… still ask fool.
People who are paying a bill and after it is rung up, then say.. OH.. I think I have that amount of change.
- Well bucco, thanks a friggin lot. Just because you had an after thought, does not mean it is gonna make it easier for the cashier. It is a pain in the ass when you do that. IF you have enough change… know it before you get there or tell them that you are going to look. Once it is in the register tape… it IS too late for all speedy and convenience at that time.
Over priced insurance companies.
- Need I say more? If everyone just STOPPED. It would crash and we could start over.
People who don’t understand the amendment that says we have the right to bear arms.
- It seems to me, we made that ruling because of lessons learned in the past. It was fresh in their minds as to why it was a right. People forget, yes it is a modern age and there are more idiots out there, however…. I’m not leaving anything up to the government or some nameless organization to take care of me when someone is breaking into my world. I take care of me. I need the tools to do it. I have the right to do it. I already am not happy with the things that are supposedly being handled FOR me. I have the right to choose. I choose to be armed. Be smart, don’t be the one to "make my day".
- Come on parents. Yeah, I chose not to have any. Just want to remind you that brats are not born, children are; brats are created. If you don’t take charge of them, they become brats. Yes some are harder to handle than other ones. YOU are their parents, if not you; nobody will teach them. You can not be their friend until they get families of their own. YOU are the parent, act like it. Sure, give them what you never had as a child.. be a better parent than the ones you had, but don’t forget that they did their best. Figure out what worked and what didn’t. Apply it. Unruly children drive me crazy. I wanna duct tape them to the wall and spank the parents. Granted, they have their own minds; you can only do so much. When they are little they can be shown so many things to mould that little mind. Don’t blow it cause you are afraid to discipline them. Discipline and beating… look up the words. Big difference. Abolish brats and stupid parents.
Cel Phone etiquette.
- IS there any? Come on people. Use your brain. If I have to go into detail I am more disappointed that I should be. Don’t worry, I’m not going to climb a water tower. Just. fix it.
People with no sense of humor.
- Just stay home. If you are having a bad day, don’t grace the rest of us with it. Just get thru it best you can. If you can’t put on a happy face, then stay home or at least don’t ruin someone else’s day.
- Just how much material or plastic or paper does it take to wrap up a small item? Talk about waste! Re evaluate how much packaging "if any" is actually needed on the small items to protect them or give instructions. Overkill… a big problem.
Public Personal Questions
- Ok. It is a biggie for me. People who rudely ask you something that may be obvious who have no right to the answer. Just because you ask it, does not mean you have a privilege or a right to the answers. Strangers do this lots. Just because someone is in a cast or on crutches, or has a limp, or a wound or a wheel chair, does not give that subject open range to be discussed. Think twice people. If you had a band aid on your ass would you want people you knew or didn’t know coming up to you and saying.. Hey there, how did that hemorrhoid operation turn out? Give me details.. I don’t really give a shit but hey.. it is small talk.!!!!! ????? Sort of personal isn’t it. Would you want to go into detail; just because they asked? Well, just think about what you ask before you ask it. Some people may not want to discuss the obvious, and after all. It is none of your business so do not be insulted if that is they only answer you end up getting. It doesn’t mean they don’t have a sense of humor. You can be friendly and talk about a lot of things in this world without pissing anyone off, they don’t care about your cousins sisters brother-in-law’s dogs nephew that ended up in a cast…….and it IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Rude behavior with body functions.
- I don’t think there is ever gonna be a time that I can handle that well. It is NOT ok to burp or fart in the presence of other people natural function or not. I don’t think it is funny. It is in the same category as picking your nose and scratching yourself. If you do think it is funny, we already have an understanding that it won’t happen around me or I don’t have much to do with you. Accidents happen.. yes, but they don’t crack me up. Not wanted, not tolerated.
- Ok people. yes we have the right to vote. It is a privilege and a right to choose whom and what we vote for. Just remember that in that statement, don’t forget the big picture. You have the right not to vote as well. The point is, the right to choose. The right to not vote is also a choice. If someone asked me to choose between a shit sandwich or a puke sandwich and I said…. No thanks; I don’t want either one. If that is all we have to choose from, I should not be "wrong" or loose my right to talk about sandwiches if I chose NOT to take one. It does not mean I have no opinion or complaints about sandwiches in general. Nor does it mean that I don’t have the right to talk about, criticize or evaluate other sandwiches or the ones in questions. It just means I didn’t vote for them. My rights as a citizen, entitles me to boycott, even if it is a voting booth. I have respect for the people who fought to earn me that right. My choosing to vote or not to is no disrespect for their cause. Give me a good sandwich, and I’ll race you to the voting booth, until then, you can keep your shit…. I’ll let you know when it stinks worse.
Ok.. that is the rant for the day….. I’m sure I have more to add to it, as there will always be stupid things to fix in this world. I for one try to offer a suggestion to fix it instead of just complain about it or at least offer an objective opinion. Sorry.. I had an espresso coffee this morning, got me all wired up. lol.
Tune it or die.