Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Who Needs Words

Who Needs Words

Have you ever been listening to something only to have it go totally into mumbo jumbo land in your head? You try to absorb it, but it is no use.  It can be anything from a lecture to something important from your tax person to a good friend talking about the mediocre day they are having…. Zone Land. Zombie head, alias shit for brains.

 Yeah, you remember the subject and the facts but it is like skimming over a book that you don't feel like reading. It isn't that you don't want to pay attention and you are to some degree, but it is overload.  Words; perhaps it is just too many of them.   I don't do this often, but when it happens I am very aware of it.  Guilty as charged.  We all have done it.   

I also noticed that I never ever had that zone out problem in a specific area. No words are spoken, unless I have to use them.  Everything is done with a look or a gesture.  We underestimate on a regular basis what a single look can say without verbalizing a thing.

I'm talking about maybe learning from our pets.  They say everything and more with no words at all.  If my cat wants something… I know what it is because of his body language and routine that is never dull.  I know when my dogs are happy, or sad, they say it all with a face and an action.  No matter what, there is the I love you look that never goes away and the… lets do something look, the oh familiar.. we are hungry.. and the.. I'm tired can you touch me look.  Having that in my life is so refreshing and depended on.  You know you are missed by the face that looks at you..No overdose of complaints or whines, just…. Hi, its another day, what shall we do with it… and no words are spoken. 

I have been known to babble, talk too much, talk too loud, be opinionated etc.  all true.

That is me and I don't see it changing to drastically from that menu. I have a brain, a thought, and with that comes an opinion, if I am in a conversation yes, my opinion will come out.  The older I get, the more I damper that down. Perhaps lack of interest, or perhaps it is just not necessary for everyone to know my opinion. J  Perhaps, I'm just finding it more suitable at this time to say things with a look, or a gesture instead of flooding my life with repetitive words and opinions that everyone has heard me say already. It could stem from being a lone a lot… however.. I'm not really alone J

It is nice to have a friend that you don't have to talk to. lol.  For instance driving a long way, not saying a thing, no tension just riding with someone you know that well, that a yawn or a cough might happen but you don't have to talk a mile a minute. Just be, and be in the same space without…. Words, panic of attitude or prejudged moods. 

Written words, spoken ones all have their place and thank God we have them.  Just once in a while, it is nice to look at the other means of communication we have at our fingertips with a touch, or a smile, or a look.  Try it.  Instead of talking see how it feels to simply smile at your spouse or your kid, your neighbor. You may do it anyway, but instead of filling the air with a complaint or a bitch….. give them a "having a great day" smile, or snicker cause you feel like it.  They may think you are up to something.. they will probably ask…and you are, but you don't have to use words to tell them.J  
Tune It Or Die

Monday, May 2, 2011

Survey Says

.What makes a person worthy of your respect?:
Honesty, effort, benefit of the doubt.

.Who are at least three people (dead or living) you respect? Why do you respect them?:

Only three? well. My parents for obvious reasons. My husband. Why.... they have proven their worth and loyalty over and over again, not only to me but to others. They walk the walk and talk the talk. Need any more reasons?

.Who do you love?:
lots of things, lots of people, critters. The question is really wide open. The kind of love is something that I could be more specific on.

.What is the randomest way you have made a friend?:
hey.... I’m wearing red too.. you got good taste girl! Ok, I got a 15 minute break, tell me your story and lets change the rest of our lives from this point on, lets have that baby, let me stick my nose in, lets agree to be different and be worth the time to each other anyway from here on out. and um.... lets have a tequila rose to seal the deal. :) (you know who you are)... you still look fab in red. xx

.When was the last time you laughed non-stop?:
oh it happens from time to time. Can't get a grip and ended up in a giggle loop. It happens alot whith my friend Jilly. We waste phone calls that way. One wrong (or would it be right) word and the conversation is laughter only. Hard core laughs.. from the gut, where you start to wheeze cause you can’t get air. Happens all the time. LOL

.So, tell me a joke you’ve heard recently:
I don't really do jokes.. but there are funnythings that fit into a big picture. Ya almost gotta be there for the setup. :)

.What are three moments you kind of wish had lasted just a little bit longer?:
I have thought about this question for way too long. I thought I had three answers, but as I was about to put them down, I changed my mind on each and every one. I think that the timeing knows itself quite well, I would not have extended the special moments, it may have ruined them for what they now mean to me. Ever heard the expression "too much of a good thing".... well, I’m thinking along those thoughts. Some things just are, and better left alone.

.What do you like to do on sunny days?:
Drink slushys, lay in the sun like a fat cat, play with my critters outside.

.What do you like to do on rainy days?:
Smell the rain, light a candle, ride out the storm, hug my critters.

.What are three goals you have made for yourself that you know you will accomplish?:
Finishing my house. Play music for the rest of my life. Start my next endevor.......

.Do you sing in the shower?:
Only if I know the words.

.When will you dance?:
Never again.

.What are three of the most beautiful things you have ever seen?:
A tripple rainbow, mother nature, waking up that morning, I might not have

.What makes you smile?:
my critters, fun stuff, creativity, a song from the past or present that I love

.What’s your favorite flavor ice cream?:
Vanilla, cause you can make it into anything you want or leave it alone.

.What makes you dislike somebody?:
lies. Rudeness, selfishness, taking me for granted

.Who are three people you do not like? Why don’t you like them?:
Lets just say, I don’t really dislike anyBODY, but I do dislike many things that some people do. At any given time, anybody can be on my shitlist, but it doesn’t last long, cause once you have made it to the shit list... you are no longer in my life on an everyday basis. I could care less whether you are doing things I dislike or not, unless it involves me, however, if you are not significant to me, it won’t involve me. but I’m not going to waste my energy disliking anyone.

.What is your method of retaliation?:
Depends on the insult or injury. I would rather not say how I retaliate in case I have need to do it again. I’ts not pretty.

.Do you enjoy arguments?:
no. I like to agree to disagree. I don’t like debates, I think they are pointless and nobody who is in that state of mind is ever going to open their mind or change their mind on any given point. Discussions... where people are interested in someone elses views, don’t usualy turn into arguments. When the voices rais and ears shut... count me out.

.What are three things you do not like?:
some foods, liars, people who waste my time when I would like to choose for myself how to do that.

.What pisses you off?:
my alarm clocks, people who waste things, parents of brats, the ignorance in politics

.What is the worst thing you have ever done?:
I shall keep that thought to myself. I already have to live with it. By some peoples standards it is not even an issue, but to myself... I know.

.What are the three most recent illegal things you have done?:
They tell me it is illegal not to wear a seet belt... I call it a personal right to choose. I pulled the tags off my pillows and mattress. I went into the wrong lane after turning. that pretty much does it.

.Have you ever been accused of something?:
To not be accused is to be dead.

.Do you take pride in any immoral traits you have (ie: dishonesty, greed, etc.)?:
Pride in immorality LOL.... I will admit to being deviant in thought only, but no I am not proud of it, it is just something that fits into the catagory of how I breath or sneeze or brush my hair. Not a pride thing.

.How many times do you have to be told to follow the rules?:
Just once. ....but that doesn’t mean that I am going to follow them.

.Do you ever play by the rules?:
Depends on the game, and if there is a guidebook. I'm not really a gamer person. There is only one rule I live by that applys to getting along with rules. Treat others like you want to be treated.

.Who are three of the shadiest characters of your aquaintance? How are they so?:
LOL... oh man. Um.. there is whatshisface, and so and so, and then there is the other guy.. and um... they are reformed, sometimes slip, but for the most part they are not bad asses anymore, just have pasts with color. I am not nor will be part of anything that I don’t feel good about. If they make a bad choice.. .... oh well. I chose the sun, not shade.

.What is the strangest thing you have seen?:
Strange or perverted... both hand and hand and both .... I can not single out the strangest. There are many.

.Who are three of the most annoying people you know?:
Me, myself & I

.What is the worst thing you could imagine?:
I can imagine just about anything.. but I shall pick one so you can have a bad dream. I would not like to have to cook and eat my friends in order to survive. Anything leading up to that fact would also be horrible... I think it makes the worst list.

.What is the best thing you could imagine?:
For the world to be rid of pain and illness, sensless death and idiots. .. I believe it is called heaven.

.What goal(s) do you hope to accomplish by the end of today?:
Start and finish some projects within my ability of time so it is not waiting there for me again tomorrow and the day after.

.the end of the week?:
Clean my dog kennel from the winter deposits.

.the end of the month?:
Learn new tunage, start and finish a few things that need to be done around here, juggle my time to the best of my ability and still have some fun in the bustle of it all.

.the end of the year?:
Reconstruction of my guest bathroom, revamping of the studio, a trip to Dallas & a few other things along the way. And i hope that I can say I stuck to my excersize plan.

.What are three things that comfort you?:
Hot liquids, my fire, my critters.

.Where was the last place you were hurting? Why were you hurting there?:
My arms, I overdid it.

.Do you have a plan for yourself?:

.What are three books that have influenced your life the most?:
The Bible, Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice, and Frank Yerby & Victoria Holt when I was a kid.

.What are three things you want to own, but don’t because you’re too lazy to get them?:
I don’t think I want anything that badly to loose my ass over it. and lazy.. does not really apply to me in an overall way.... tired as hell yeah, lazy.. no. Those days are rare.

.What are three things you want to own, but don’t because you’re too poor to buy them?:
Well, anything I have my sites on to own, I will eventualy have, just not all right now. I don’t really want anything that is out of reach. I will take a long shot and live in this moment and say..... I could use an old empty building shell, or a warehouse & a big coffee machine.

.Who are three people you want to hug?:
Adrian Paul, Willie Nelson, & the snuggles bear

.Who are three people you’d like to know better?:
Adrian, Willie & the snuggles bear.

.Where do you go when you want to be alone?:
My place. pick a room. shut the door.

.What do you think of your family? Why?:
I think some of them are insane, some are so very talented and creative, some are rather dull, some are very lovable.. I could go on and on with characteristics, there are many family members, and each one special in their own right. I am proud of many of them for having the spunk to be what they are and live the way they want... don’t look back. I admire the ones who survived the other family members. We have a cool bloodline, and you can feel it when we all get together. I am refering to cousins, aunts, uncles and ones I have not met or seen in a long time. Blood is thicker than water, even if only in emotions instead of loyalty. Why.. because most of my family is theatrical or involved in the arts in some form, it shows up naturaly. Excentric is not a dirty word.

.What are three things you have learned recently?:
As you get older, your body hurts for no reason. No matter how fast or busy you are, you are never done unill you are dead, & never pet a burning duck.

.How do you process new information?:
It works as a good start to........ open your mind.

.Do you like to learn new things?:
Now.. how am I gonna learn anything when I know everything already LOL. ahem... well, sure, IF there is something I don’t know.... please share. hahahhahahhaa

.What are three songs you can’t listen to enough?:
Got a line on you, and that is what comes to mind, but it changes many times.. not a question that I can narrow it down to three on.

.What do you think about death?:
I try not to dwell on it. It is gonna happen to us all, fact of life. I would like to think it is not the end of us, but perhaps a doorway to something better. I am not afraid of death, it just saddens me to see people and things die that I will miss. God gives us the gifts of knowing or having others... and when they die before we do... I guess it shows us our level of emotional attachment. Death will happen, I just hope not any time soon.

.Do you take risks in your life?:
I have. I know what I will not do now. Risks happen all the time, but stupid and obvious risks can be avoided.

.Give three examples of risks you have taken:
I went for a ride. I helped someone. I got up today.

.What do you want to do right now?:
finish this damn survey, drink my coffee, and check the rest of my mail. geeze.