Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Things That Matter


When I was a kid, my grandma Anna had newspapers around.  Local news papers, trade papers, entertainment papers & magazines.  Two of these were the STAR and The National Enquirer.
The difference in the media of the time was evident. As a kid my eyes turned to the flippant gossip rag of fashion and drama.  It has been decades since I have had any interest in those tabloids.  I prefer to think of it as mentally stimulating my brain with better subject matter..  MATTER!!! THAT’S IT.  Matter.. what matters. What really matters.   Live and death over he said she said.   People are so drawn to gossip and drama that it is sickenin to me at this point in life.  So many people get stressed out or build a life on other peoples dramas.  Social media is a great tool. We hear about things faster than the news can report, things that really matter get addressed so that we can use our brains to weed out the Star & Enquirer news.   More and more I find that the social media is dwelling on the he said she said topics, the dirty laundry of personal lives… and some asshole always has to antagonize or argue or complain about anything represented.   We have Theater, movies, music..  all of these things are outlets for our creativity and craving for drama.. its DRAMA in the best form..  actors, musicians…. Performers to let you imagine for a song or an hour… to escape your own stress or just laugh or enjoy.  
   The older I get… the more I roll my eyes at some of the lets call it abuse of social media…  I enjoy the arts, I enjoy keepin in touch with people I know or people I have things in common with.  I am finding myself getting weary of the STAR and Enquirer type news that keeps hitting views on FaceBook,  Things I did not sign up for… things that they think im interested in  lol.    When you feel you have to look on snopes for everything to see if it is full of shit or not…  once in a while you have to rant.    I am not saying I expect a sober, snobbish intellectual only dry no humor social network .. not at all.’m just tired of the things that try to lead us all into sheep territory.  Tired of the the media talking about Mylie or the Kardashians like it was actually important when lives are being lost.   The coverage is ridiculous.. as if they want the majority to be distracted from what is going on.  Am I paranoid.. maybe. Maybe not.    
I did not subscribe to the Star or Enquirer on line. I plan to continue to avoid this crap.
I made myself a deal.  Time permitting, with every piece of shit drama that crosses my path.. I will purify my brain with some actual things that Matter on any scale & try to do something productive about it or for it.     Don’t get me wrong.. I love social media & everyone needs a drama outlet.. I just wish some of the participants were more conscious of things that matter.

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