Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Old Road Story Dis (its a secret) Claimer

I was thinking yesterday of some of the things that pop into my mind from time to time.

It would go under the category of ancient history, personal info, selective knowledge, and last but not least, secrets. 

You won't find these particular things in a blog, or any other type of writing. These are the things that could still upset the living.  Once someone dies it is like the copyright on all their history is up for grabs and it gets sorted and reported as people saw it. However it lacks compassion and truth thru the eyes of the subject matter. 

Living with a plethora of players over the years, you get to know them. Some inside and out because there is a camaraderie plus the fact of the time and place that you go thru things with people.  There was a saying that holds true to me still.  "What goes on, on the road, stays on the road."  I have yet to break that rule.  Telling past tales of the fun stuff has no whip lashing effects on anyone except a laugh or two. 

  Someone asked me if his or her secret was going to become public because I am writing a blog.  No.  First off they should know better. The secret is 20 years old. It has not left the bag yet and I have no intention of opening it.  I am a bank of much information. Nobody is making any withdrawals, & I'm not giving it away.

  Sure, I'm an open book for the most part. However some of my personal chapters are sealed. It is the same way with other people's secrets that I happen to have been a part of, or a shoulder to. If it is serious & personal, then that is where it still belongs.  There are so many things that went on that you do not have to share other people's dirt or heartache with the world. 

   As I have stated before, I have an opinion on everything. If your past resembles anything I have mentioned, remember it is not necessarily about you. Many people have the same problems or events, and if you look real close, anything I have written has no names dates or anything tagged onto it unless it is harmless & fun. (For all of us). 
Sure I talk a lot. I'm opinionated, I have a bossy nature. These things I know all too well. Those characteristics however, do not dominate the ability to know when to keep it to myself.  So all in all, if you are in my past and worry about something that I may write here, please RELAX.  These are my memories thru my eyes.  I'm not interested in opening up old wounds for anyone.  I weigh out & leave out things that incriminate anyone.  Sure, I will use names or nicknames from time to time. The subject matter in those instances are usually very funny & have nothing to do with insult or injury to anyone living or dead.  Remember also that if I know something that happened to you, or about you, we were put in the circumstance at the same time for a reason. If I was a friend with a shoulder then, I am the same friend now. Time or lack of time together or change of living, has nothing to do with loyalty. 
I am writing a few of my thoughts down on what happened in MY life. I will not be dwelling on anyone in a negative way even if I don't care for him or her much.  So once again relax darlin…. Go home to one of your 2 wives, your 5 girlfriends, your 6 illegitimate children & the 8t that you claim, go get stoned & party naked with a pregnant tranny for an evening take a shot of Yager, pass out with nine men & a big monkey on plastic sheets with Wesson oil and some feathers, & I'll see you for lunch tomorrow … kiss kiss hug hug… muah.  

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