Friday, March 4, 2011

Lack of Attitude

The other day I was dragging myself out of bed, got to sleep in, hubby’s day off... the dogs and us were just lazying about for a few extra cuddles. I turned on a movie channel to watch while drinking coffee in bed.  One of those sappy family movies was on.  Pulled me right in. It didn't used to, I would have flipped the channel.  However I was feeling rather mellow and started to pay attention. It reached me several times on a sentimental note. I found myself tearing up a few times. Sure, maybe the tv show Leave it to Beaver would have done the same thing at this time. However, the attitude was gone, nobody trying to be cool, just being.  How refreshing.  THAT WAS IT!  It was so good to see something that did not have an imitation anything in it. It was simple, all the things we forget about each other and people that we have in our lives.   No bullshit, just every day delemas that can be left alone or laughed at.  I can relate to my Grandmother on this. She was at a point where the things that we watched on tv or movies, annoyed her.  She would watch the animal planet or the old movie channel. Things of her era, that she was familiar with. Not only did she not relate to the "gangsta attitude or the, oh so cool crap"... she was avoiding it.  It didn't make her happy and she tuned into the things that she remembered, or wanted not to be annoyed by.  Simplicity.  I understood it before, but now, I not only understand, I experienced it.  The comfort zone of familiar has its rewards.
   I am tired of the fake attitudes and people trying to be cool instead of just being who they are.  Some people are just cool and they don't have to try, it just is. It is so much more interesting to see someone being themself, not someone trying to fit in and copying others just to be cool.  I wish people would lose the attitudes, they stink.  If you are cool, it will show up no matter what you are doing.  If you are not, it is sickening to see someone "try" to be cool. The bad language, the life is shit attitude needs to leave.  I've had a belly full of it. Not just the younger generation, all of us on the planet are guilty of it at one time or another.  However when a negative attitude becomes a lifestyle.. hahahah.. I laugh at that. Toy puppets to the bad attitude of society.   It was really nice to escape for a while into the old tv land.  I'm glad I was relaxed enough to think about things in that way.... very refreshing in my old fashioned attitude.
Modern fads, gadgets and all the advantages of the times we live in are great in so many ways. I just wish it could be combined with a lot of old school values instead of attitudes, rudeness and lack of kindness.  Since when is it that fun to ruin someone day because you are a rude sob with a bad ass attitude that is crap..... growing up changes that for some, growing older changes it too.  If you are cool, it is gonna show up. If you are just trying to be cool, lol look in the mirror and you will know that you are not quite there. Cool isn't something you have to think about, it just is. I'd rather have people wonder about the real me instead of the "cool" that they think I'm trying to be.     
 So if you have nothing to do and there is no smashem crashem brand new movie to watch.... maybe check out a classic. Get in tune with some things that you may be missing... something simple. Maybe a movie with some real (fake only actors) gangstas in it lol...

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I don't watch a whole lotta TV for the exact reason that it's usually crap or just stupid. Things that I don't want to get into my head. I watch movies (red box) when I feel like plopping down for 2 hours and melting, but those are usually thought provoking.
    Not to change the subject but something that has really kinda freaking me out at live shows is looking around the bar and EVERYONE is on their phones. People are sitting next to each other and not talking, they are on Facebook or texting. Communication breakdown. A kid the other day told me this is the future of America. Everyone walks around with their ear buds in, disconnecting from the world. Since I love conversation and love to meet people, I find this sad. When someone is so totally engrossed in their phone or obviously tuning out, you feel like you are interrupting them to ask a question. This is even more odd when you enter a business and there is a greeter or a sales person and they look up and you can tell they are disgusted cuz NOW they have to get off their phone and work. Jez Louise!
