Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Observation

An Observation
Paper cut- Decapitation…. Guess it depends on the person or the drama king or queen.
I have noticed that people are natural complainers. We are not very good at it or things would be getting better, not just hashed over.  Some people call it venting, some call it pissng and moaning. I guess it is a little of both.   It is tiresome. Everyone does it to some degree even when  I make a conscious effort not to, I find myself stepping onto the bandwagon at times.   
   I used to listen to people all day long at work. I did not work at a complaint desk, but at times I think it says that above the desk.  I am reminded of something that I have known all along, the grumpy whiners ruin everyone's day to some degree and set the mood way easier than someone who is "up".   I look forward to the happy ones, here on vacation, ready to have a wonderful day.  I have always thought that some of the coolest people never say much. They don't have to. You get to know them over time and it is like a fine wine….they are just cool and worth the time and effort.   Some of the people that we tend to avoid in life are the complainers because that is all they have to offer… and they never shut up.
    Now, I am NOT a morning person. I need at least 15 to 30 minutes of silence when I first wake up. Don't even talk to me. I will ruin your day. Just know it, what ever it is that possesses you to say a chipper good morning, is the same thing that will possess me to say "bite me" or "fuck off", first thing in the AM.   No offence, but you were warned.
I don't plan it that way, and after 49 years of having it happen… it ain't gonna change.
So with this knowledge of my own quirk, I get up way early just to have those 30 minutes to focus and get over that danger zone of  chipper morning bastards that I may have to run into.  I can then tolerate it to some degree and block it out.  I rarely say good morning back in return.. it is usually hi or hello.
   I know this quirk of mine and do my best to NOT ruin someone's day.  That is my answer and solution for me.   Other people maybe need to re evaluate and look inside for those moments they may have that could be fixed with a band aid of self discipline instead of messing up everyone that comes into their path.
   The things that some people piss and moan about are just dumbfounding to me.  Some never stop! You give them a gift and they complain about the packaging, you tell them information or directions and they whine about you not giving them enough. 
   When I over hear this constant complaining to other people, or to people around me… it feels like the world is a buzz with nothing but WRONG! FAIL! MORON! Picky picky picky.     There is an old saying that I'm sure you all have heard.  If you want something done right, do it yourself.   It applies to many things and I sooooo agree with it.  Especially the older I get.  
   Look in the mirror.  If you are one of those people PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take inventory on your habbits.  If you complain about everything that is done for you … do it yourself and shut up.   If it is wrong, you have only yourself to blame…. I bet there will be no complaints from it then either…..
   The trivial things that set people off amaze me.  Makes me wonder how they would handle an actual problem.   I have seen a grown woman throw a tantrum and cry because she did not get her way, over a stupid situation that was no big deal. Easily fixed and not a real problem at all. She simply didn't get her way. Everyone bent over backwards to "make her feel better", help her thru this difficult time.   Difficult time my ass! She was an adult brat that learned at an early age if you make a scene, people try to help you. If you dramatize things, they all want to help… maybe not help you, but make you shut the fuck up!!!!!    I laugh at these things. Not everything has to be such a drama.  If your life is THAT dull, try making it better with less complaints, more compassion. If someone has a REAL problem, not just a paper cut, try and help out. Stop complaining about how it is done and get off your ass and do something to be proud of. 
   If you have time to complain, you have time to change it into something productive.
So next time if you open your mouth and all you have done is bitch about someone, or someone's lack of something or ability or whatever it may be….. take a breath instead.
Change your thought pattern …. Take those 15 to 30 minutes to reflect and wake UP. You will have a better day and it won't be filled with more constant complaining. 
If you have to vent, ok.. fine.   But don't give your entire day to it. It is like a leach, it will take all you have and leave you no energy to have any laughter in your life. 
It is not up to others to make you happy, it is not enough to just surround yourself with non complainers, you have to become one. You have to make your own laughter and non-complainers will find you too.  J
Ok… I'm done complaining now LOL hahhahhahahahhaha.. Bite me.

1 comment:

  1. *waves and gives a cheery Good Morning!* BRAVO Carrie You said it all andVERY well
