Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Delete delete dele del de d deleted

Do you ever wish that it would be so simple to just delete away all the things that annoy you?
It would be so easy to just rid ourselves of things that happen that we don't like. Not just on a computer.. that is the easy one. I'm talking about deleting things you don't want around anymore and typing in a new whatever. A new ending, a new story line.. and have it happen.
  If the deleting works.. so would the typing in the new stuff. People could send the bad shit to the trash bin with the click of a few buttons, never to be delt with again.  People could write in things on how time is spent or who loves whom and it would just become factual. We control it now to some degree, we have the power to delete some things, or just forget about it. But in every computer.. there is that place where not even evidence eliminator goes.... and it is a ghost there. Just like in our minds... it is never truely gone, just placed in a far away area and tried to be forgotten.  That is where the dreams go.. and come back from. You can't delete them from there, you already tried.  Little subliminal things can tick them off and activate them when you least expect it. A statement, a phone call, a reaction, all of the above. Things that you though you had figured out and settled, even believed it was true.
   My delete button doesn't work. Not in life.. I can't type in a new story line... the ghosts just keep comin back around taking their turn.  So I clean house with a delete button here once in a while.. on the web.  I have to learn to deal with it in both places... when it creeps up in one I deal with it there or in the other. When they intermingle, it becomes... hard. Makes me want to delete not only facts but time spent in the effort, but delete my feelings as well. Become numb so that when someone types in a story line... I won't care about it.  I can delete how I feel.
    Wish it was that easy... just a click or two away to get peace of mind when you feel something is just not right.  Maybe I am thinking with the wrong button.. perhaps I need to focus on the escape button...esc  esc  esc   gone.


  1. I get ya on this one Carrie... :)
    Delete would be good in a few of my memories...Escape would be BEST tho, some days. But i would never want to compromise the "me" that those moments have made me, cuz... well.. i think im not one of the bad ones... you get what i mean.
    As far as being numb... my feelers are broken. Maybe just for the time being, but they are "out of order" with new situations. I still love (DEEPLY) the people who are in my life... but, i do not have ANY room to include any more. Sometimes i wonder if that will ever change, other times i am SURE it will not.

    I think i need to create an entirely new keyboard. One that has keys to my liking... perhaps a key for a well oiled, nicely built, mute... who adores me and wants to rub my feet while making dinner and doing the laundry, etc...
    Another key *Shaaaadup* for those in need to experience that anomaly...
    A key for "its 5 o'clock SOMEWHERE"
    and one for
    You are Loved, no matter what.
    The rest of the keys may need to be along the lines of *Robin...go to work and have FUN*
    *GET out your GUITAR*
    *Stop Whining!!!*
    they need to be smarter keys than me...lol

    Thank you for making me think .,...
    you've done it again, my friend...
    revelations ....
    (Ohhh!!!! another key!!!)

    Love you Bestist!!!
    Miss you more than all the grains of sand on the planet!!!!

    Robin (pez... neighbor....whack job...*lol*)

  2. A delete button for life's bad events and the memories they cause would be wonderful, the escape one too. But I'd go one better.

    How about a button, or keystroke, that works kind of like spellcheck would before sending an email. One that would see you're about to make a bad decision and tell you thereby giving you the opportunity to change it or disregard the whole damn thing. How about an F1 for life (F1 is always help). And when it tells you that you are about to make a serious mistake, then the keystroke GTFO will make it all go away.

    I could have used something like that before saying "I DO" three damn times.
