Sunday, January 23, 2011

Throwing Emotional Bricks

Ok, so I admit sometimes it takes me a while to "get it". Sometimes it takes a brick upside the head before it sinks in. Especially when I don't want things to be different than what I want them to be.
The old saying of "Actions, or for that matter lack of  actions, speak very loud. Louder than words." How true in every aspect. 
  Sometimes no words, just effort and awareness can heal the deepest wounds. Words are only bandaids.  So.. hit me with a brick.. I will notice, and it will hurt. But because I want to think the best of things not the worst, it makes me wait.
Hit me twice, I may hang around to see if you meant it, but I have already preped myself and was expecting the blow. Depending on how much I care about the subject matter determines if I save my sanity.
Try and hit me a third time... opps sorry, not going to happen.... I have gone away.
     Bricks are thrown everyday on every level.  Big to small. I try not to throw them.
Sometimes it is as simple as telling someone that you only like....... sorry I don't think of you that way and yes lets remain friends.  That is a brick... if they don't pay attention, it requires more.  Some people don't get it and never do.. they are hard headed.
   I know when Ive been hit with a brick, (usualy smart enough).  However it is easy to see a brick when you are throwing it.... but not as easy to see it coming.
Good rule of thumb..... if you don't like getting hit with emotional bricks, become unavailable, or go away from the thrower.  Don't throw in the towel too early and be paranoid, but....
 Don't be a target. Don't be a victim.  Don't let the bricks hit you enought to build up a wall around you when they fall.
     Pay attention to actions of others not words alone, cause actions and deeds are where the bricks come from.    I have enough bricks to build a small fence around me. I can still let people in.  I can also jump the brick fence and be gone.... no target anymore. 


  1. You are the most honest, open person I know. An inspiration to me, to move a few bricks and let people in. You are the last person in the world (well... you know what I mean) to deserve a grain of sand, let alone a brick thrown at you.
    You are right... do right by people, give them a second chance, and run like hell when you see a 3rd brick coming. There are enough like you out there to ever have to settle for the abuse of for an emotional or physical abuser... brick thrower.

  2. Agreed...
    learned :)
    'cept for a few... i think are the good and special ones
    Love you!
