Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lip Service

Are you one of those people who does what they say they will or are you lip service?
  I know someone that told me that as a rule he tries to learn somthing new every day no matter how small the information is.  He also said his biggest achievement in life was following thru with the things he has said he will do.   He makes a list of things to finish.. and does it.
   How many times have you had someone say.. oh yeah.. I'll send that to you or yeah, I have one and you can have it. Only you never see it because it was not important enough to the other person, or they simply forgot.  Forgot you. Forgot what they promised you.  Makes you feel pretty significant when you think about it. Significant in the... you are forgetable catigory.
 It is like the Hi How are you greeting.  They don't listen to the answer.. it is just polite lip service.  Without it we feel really slighted because it is some type of greeting or notice of you specificly no matter how mondane. Following thru is like that as well.
  How nice it would be if people asked How are you??? and really heard the answer. If when they said, yeah.. I can do that before the end of the week, let me write it down so I don't forget.  Get rid of the oversights.
   Guess what I'm trying to say is. Unless it is not possible to do things that you say you will no matter how large or small, then don't say it.  If you do say it.. make it possible to be done within a reasonable amount of time, before the time laps so long you forget it.  Pay attention to the little things, cause they add up.
 I watched the person that I learned this from over years of hanging together.  He walked the walk and talked the talk.  Very content when he did what he said he would. Sort of a reward to himself.  He also learned not to strech himself too thin this way. He learned to follow thru and he learned it was also easier to say no, I can't or won't do that, instead of promising something to someone that you have no intention of doing..... and not saying it just for conversation.
  If we all tried to apply this... we would have better feelings all around, not be let down by things so easily, learn to say when no when you have no time to do it and NOT feel bad about using the No word.  Also.. to feel like you did something when you do it.   A more real way to live.    The proof is in the pudding, if you say it, mean it.  If you are joking, or are serious, make sure you are with someone who understands the difference....or do what you say you will.      I tried his way, and it became mine. I am alot better at following thru what I say I will do. Once in a while things escape me, or it may take a while to get it done, but it gets done.
So...thanks Wayne aka Washeup Sideways for the insight.

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