Saturday, February 5, 2011

Denim Soldiers

Your favorite, never want to be without them. You don't feel quite normal when you are not in them, and when they get full of holes with wear marks you still keep reaching to put them on.  Habbit, no, comfortability, probably. You don't really think that much about it, it is a given and when they become rags, you retire them, turn them into greese rags or just pack them away if you are a pack rat.  But you still have that one special pair, & while they were your first choice, they were in their glory.  Make you be in a good mood, not too tight, not to baggy, made your ass look great, all the things they were supposed to do.  Ya just knew they would be there and things were good.  As they faded, to the point beyond looking good.. or makeing you look good, they didn't get chosen first. You started to break in another pair of jeans. 
   The reason for this subject is that I was cleaning out my closet.  I am one of those people that still have some jeans from when I was in highschool. They are out of style, faded and worn, but I still have them.  I hold on to things that are important to me. Maybe some say I need to throw them away.  I do throw things away, but not some things.  Those denim soldiers of mine come in handy when I can still put them on after all these years, (sometimes not).  It makes me feel good to know that they have not rotted the rest of the way. Small space of storage for something so dedicated that saved my ass, covered my ass and was at most every cool party with me for at least 6 years. 
    I remember my soldiers, I still have them. I may not wear them anymore, but I can recall everything there is to know about them and where we went. It is now a memory, and the memory is not as faded as the jeans are.  They faded on me, I didn't fade on them.  I still have them. But I don't wear them anymore.  I probably could have kept wearing them, but... Denim soldiers never die, they just fade away.  

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