Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lie To Me, That what you wanna hear?

Well known fact, I hate it when someone lies to me. It happens, no matter who we are. Nobody is beyond a white lie. Everyone has spared someones feelings by not telling them something.. but is that lieing? Not saying is not the same as lieing. Is a secret a lie if it is kept a secret from someone who asks a direct question about something? I think not. Is keeping something to yourself and not voiceing something you know.. is that a lie??? No.   Wanting to know the truth at all costs is a very high price. Sometimes you want to be lied to and you don't even care that it is not the entire truth.  But I hate it when it happens to me.  I would like to think I could handle the truth in any capacity. It may hurt, and change life drasticly or minimaly, but you would at least have the truth.  I have prided myself on not lieing to people my entire life. Right down to the smallest details. However many times I keep my mouth shut because in order to spare someone grief, its best to keep it to oneself.  If it has nothing to do with that person, Im not lieing because I kept it to myself that is a secret.. not a lie.   Everyone has a secret or two, some  are very sharable and some are best kept in the dark place in which they come from.  I have people in my life that I know and they know... that they lie.  I can't trust them to tell me how the weather is outside without looking after they tell me how it is.  We know between us, that the trust is gone, but yet there is a history there and a past and a friendship that was not based on a lie, it just had a few in it.  So I don't trust them... they lie.  I am still their friend but they are not mine.  We deal with liars every day, try not to be one, and justify the lies you are told if it is in our favor... amazeing that when it is something that you want to here, you believe it, as if it were true.  When it is something upsetting.. you are ready to kick ass or whatever to handle it.  If you want to know something, make sure you are ready for the answer. Cause even tho I may hate a lie and a liar, sometimes it is a lie that you really want to hear.

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