Saturday, February 12, 2011

You Get What You Give

I have noticed something as I sit here decomposing...:
I realize that it is peoples nature to piss and moan, it is a given.
Just because it is not done "their" way or "your own" way, it opens room for criticism & complaints.  Not that anything is wrong with the end results of things; it just is not what they would have done or how they would have gone about doing it.  Talking about it is often misunderstood as pissing and moaning to some who are used to getting it done their own way.  Opinions & free will can also be called pissing and moaning.
The older I get, the more I learn to (believe it or not), hold my tongue. I used to watch and learn, then I started to comment on things in general pertaining to any subject, I wanted to make my own mistakes and fuck off (in a nice way) to anyone who tried to tell me what to do. Not to confuse telling and suggestions with one another.
That comes with age and fazes. After that, you see other people doing the same thing and you remember and start to compare.  That is when you also try to interject your opinion to save them grief…just like people tried to do in my "fuck off" stage to me.  It usually happens from ages 18 to 35. lol.   You then move to the… I'm not gonna even attempt to save you from yourself stage, and sit back and watch.   If you ever notice people doing that to you, it is not that they are snoopy, or have no opinion. They have just learned to realize that no matter what their piss and moan is, or their opinion on it, you will do what you want the way you want it anyway.  It is not for lack of interest, or lack of care, it is simply that some people open their mouths and their ears close.  This too will change (with any luck).    Rule of thumb, you get what you give.  If you are a shit head to people and all you do is piss and moan, share your opinion or offer too much information…. If they are not in the mind to hear it, it is a waste of time.  Some people ask.  It is a good idea to wait for that question or request.  I am guilty of just blurting things out that have not been asked.  I am learning to wait.. and yes people still do ask what I think.  However, it is becoming lots easier to not offer my opinion especially when it is not right in my face and part of my everyday thing.  I have stated before.. yeah, I have an opinion on just about everything, be carefull if you ask me cause I WILL tell you what I think.
  The reason for this entry is… bottom line,  It is ok to keep your thoughts to yourself some times, specially when no body asks you what they are.  People think for themselves then, make their own mistakes to be proud of (they are gonna do it anyway), and you are not labeled a piss & moaner. 
If you don't want to hear pissing and moaning….. don't contribute to the bitching and it will go away.   If all you do is complain and see things to fix.. you will never be finished.
If you actually let things be… you will have a bit of free time to smell the roses. Enjoy the show… watch, listen. You may be surprised. It is similar to watching a movie that you talk thru, or watching one where you don't say a word.   Guess I'm noticing that I'm talking less thru the movie.  Ok… said my piece for the day, time to smell a rose and resume decomposing. 

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